Hoping for peace – 18 October 2024

You’ve probably seen lots of upsetting news recently about the conflict in the Middle East, but in the midst of all the fighting, you might find it reassuring to know that lots of people are calling for peace. World leaders have tried to bring a peaceful end to the conflict, and there have been temporary ceasefires (pauses in fighting), although discussions about lasting peace have failed. And last week, to mark the one-year anniversary since the conflict began, vigils (peaceful demonstrations) were held all over the world, where people gathered to remember those who have lost their lives, and also to demand an end to the fighting. In this FYI episode, we hear from two children, Ishai and Rand, who are part of a charity called Jerusalem Peacebuilders that is hoping for peace.

  •   What is Jerusalem Peacebuilders?

Jerusalem Peacebuilders is a charity that brings young people from both Palestinian Arab and Jewish communities together to promote peace and reconciliation (becoming friendly again).


  • Who are Ishai and Rand?

Ishai and Rand are two children from different sides of the conflict, both living in Israel. Rand is a Palestinian girl and Ishai is a Jewish boy. They are both part of Jerusalem Peacebuilders.


  • How have Ishai and Rand’s lives changed since the conflict began?

Ishai and Rand are just two of the many children whose lives have been affected by war. They tell FYI about how frightened they are of the fighting and how they don’t feel safe going outside any more.


  • How has Jerusalem Peacebuilders helped them during the conflict?

In the video, Ishai and Rand tell FYI how Jerusalem Peacebuilders has helped them to understand the other side’s perspective (point of view).

Rand says: “If it wasn’t for this programme [Jerusalem Peacebuilders], I wouldn’t have made a Jewish friend and got the chance to hear their story and the conflict from their perspective. And I found out that we could actually be friends together.”

Ishai says: “Jerusalem Peacebuilders helped me better understand the other side. Before, I did not meet any Muslims, and I did not know their side of the story. Now, after talking to them, I can safely say that they’re some of the best friends I have. Even though times are bleak,
we plant the seeds for peace in the future.”

Jerusalem Peacebuilders is a charity that brings young people together to promote peace


  • Hopes for peace in the future

Both Ishai and Rand tell FYI that they think the only way forward is peace, for people to come together and talk.

Rand says: “No matter what happens, I will always hold on to the hope of a future where everyone lives peacefully. The way forward is for both communities to acknowledge each others’ history and struggles. It is essential to be willing to compromise, to respect one another, and to actively pursue peace and fairness for all.”

Ishai says: “The only way forward for this conflict in my opinion is to come and have dialogue [talking]. Jews and Arabs, Muslims and Israelis, they have to have dialogue about how we go forward and how we compromise for each other. People must find another way. This other way is simply peace and love.”

Ishai and Rand are both hoping for peace


Watch the full clip at first.news/TV.

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